Silvio Roggo (ed.), "Aetherius - ܐܬܪܐܝܣ " in last modified February 16, 2024, Aetherius ܐܬܪܐܝܣ Aetherius A leading senator at the end of Justinian's reign, Aetherius repeatedly conspired against the emperor. Despite the failure of these plots, he remained powerful and participated in the plot leading to the deposition of patriarch Eutychius in early 565. In 566, he was accused of attempting to poison Justin II and executed. Joh. Eph., EH 2.29, remembers him as a schemer who had taught the art of causing mischief to the quaestor Anastasius. 560-566 0566-10-03 male 95 3.2.29 Aetherius 2 21-22 21-22 95