Silvio Roggo (ed.), "Eustochius (patriarch of Jerusalem) - ܐܘܣܛܟܝܣ " in last modified February 16, 2024, Eustochius (patriarch of Jerusalem) ܐܘܣܛܟܝܣ ܐܘܣܛܘܟܝܘܣ Eustochius hailed from Alexandria and was made patriarch of Jerusalem by Justinian after the deposition of the supposedly Origenist Macarius in late 552. He was then deposed himself in the early 560s, probably because he did not agree with Justinian on when to celebrate the feast of the Hypapante. Joh. Eph., EH 3.35, mentions that he lived about 18 years in a monastery in the Hormisdas palace in Constantinople as a generally revered holy man before being killed by one of his slaves. 552-563 male 167 3.3.35 119 629; 655-656; 664; 685 119; 167 655-656; 685