Silvio Roggo (ed.), "Peter Barsymes - ܦܛܪܘܣ ܕܒܪܣܘܡܝܣ " in last modified February 16, 2024, Peter Barsymes ܦܛܪܘܣ ܕܒܪܣܘܡܝܣ Petrus Peter, hailing from Syria, was a leading member of the imperial government during the reign of Justinian from the 540s to the early 560s. He served twice as pretorian prefect of the east in that period. Joh. Eph., EH 5.18, records that the emperor Maurice gave Peter's large residence to his sister Theoctista. c.542-c.562 male 269 3.5.18 Petrus 9 999-1002 999-1002 269