James E. Walters, David A. Michelson and Thomas A. Carlson, (eds.), "Paul II, Patriarch of Antioch — ܦܘܠܘܣ ܬܪܝܢܐ ܦܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܕܐܢܛܝܘܟܝܐ " in last modified February 16, 2024, http://syriaca.org/person/72 Paul II, Patriarch of Antioch Pawlos of Beth Ukome Paul II, Patriarch of Antioch بولس الثاني بطريرك انطاكية ܦܘܠܘܣ ܬܪܝܢܐ ܦܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܕܐܢܛܝܘܟܝܐ ܦܰܘܠܘܣ ܬܪܰܝܳܢܐ ܦܰܛܪܝܰܪܟܳܐ ܕܐܰܢܛܝܘܟܺܝܰܐ Paul of Beth Ukome Paul of Beth-Ukame Paul ('the Black', patriarch of Antioch) ܦܘܠܘܣ ܦܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܕܝܠܢ Paulus Antiochenus http://syriaca.org/person/72 http://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/SRP|person_72 http://viaf.org/viaf/5320953 http://www.csc.org.il/db/browse.aspx?db=SB&sL=P&sK=Paul of Beth-Ukame&sT=keywords http://syriaca.org/johnofephesus/persons/72 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Black Patr. Pawlos’s name (‘of the house of the black ones’) was rendered in Greek as ‘of the black (ones)’ (Melanos, sing., or Melanōn, plur.). Paul, nicknamed the Black, was of Alexandrian origin and lived in Constantinople together with the miaphysite patriarch Theodosius of Alexandria. Theodosius ordained him patriarch of Antioch in 564, but he never was accepted by all the miaphysites in Syria. Paul's position was further weakened in the early 570s, when he temporarily entered into communion with the Chalcedonians. Eventually, his opponents succeeded in ordaining Peter of Callinicum as counter-patriarch. According to Joh. Eph., EH 4.54-57, Paul spent his last years in hiding and his death went largely unnoticed. 564-581 Alexandria 581 male Patriarch of Antioch Syriac Orthodox Author L. Van Rompay Pawlos of Beth Ukome The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage 322-323 The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences 67 302 كتاب اللؤلؤ المنثور في تاريخ العلوم والأداب السريانية 263 ܒܪ̈ܘܠܐ ܒܕܝܪ̈ܐ ܕܥܠ ܡܪܕܘܬ ܝܘܠܦܢ̈ܐ ܣܘܪ̈ܝܝܐ ܗܕܝܪ̈ܐ 289 A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity Paul of Beth-Ukame 18; 19; 50; 51; 52; 55; 56; 57; 58; 66; 77; 190; 191; 192; 196; 197; 198; 199; 200; 201; 202; 203; 204; 206; 207; 208; 213; 214; 215; 216; 218; 219; 222; 226; 228; 230; 231; 232; 233; 243; 244; 245; 246; 247; 248; 249 3.1.17; 3.1.41; 3.2.2; 3.2.3; 3.2.4; 3.2.8; 3.2.15; 3.4.10; 3.4.11; 3.4.12; 3.4.14; 3.4.15; 3.4.16; 3.4.17; 3.4.18; 3.4.19; 3.4.20; 3.4.21; 3.4.32; 3.4.34; 3.4.35; 3.4.36; 3.4.39; 3.4.41; 3.4.43; 3.4.45; 3.4.46; 3.4.47; 3.4.48; 3.4.54; 3.4.55; 3.4.56; 3.4.57; 3.4.58; 3.4.59; 3.4.60 7203-7208 III, 359-360 32-33 18; 19; 50; 51; 52; 55; 56; 57; 58; 66; 77; 190; 191; 192; 196; 197; 198; 199; 200; 201; 202; 203; 204; 206; 207; 208; 213; 214; 215; 216; 218; 219; 222; 226; 228; 230; 231; 232; 233; 243; 244; 245; 246; 247; 248; 249