Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, David A. Michelson and James E. Walters, (eds.), "ʿAqebshma — ܥܩܒܫܡܐ " in last modified August 17, 2016, ʿAqebshma AQEWŜMA ܥܩܒܫܡܐ Aqebshmā ʿAcepsimas ʿAqeḇšmā Acepsimas 49 In hagiography: ʿAqewshma was a bishop from the region of Adiabene who was martyred with Joseph and Ithalaha during the persecution of Shapur II and buried by an Armenian princess. There is a Greek version of the Acts. 379 male Martyr Saint The saint is venerated on martyred under Shapur II. ʿAqebshma is commemorated in Acepsimas, Joseph and Ithallaha (text). Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 64 Saints Syriaques AQEWŜMA 49 AMS II 351-96 BHO 22 Šuhadā' I 371-91 Lagrange 127-51 Leclercq III 223-45 Delehaye Actes 478-517 DHGE I 288-89, avec references