Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Butlana — ܦܢܛܠܐܘܢ " in last modified August 17, 2016, Butlana BUṬLĀNA ܦܢܛܠܐܘܢ Panṭalēʾōn Panteleon Pantaleon Panṭalēʾōn Pantaléon PANTALÉON 95 333 In hagiography: Buṭlāna was a doctor and a martyr. His story was a Syriacized version of the life of Pantaleon. He converted to Christianity and cured many people. He was martyred under Diocletian. 310 305 male Martyr Saint Butlana is commemorated in Panteleon, Hermaloas, and Companions (text). Saints Syriaques BUṬLĀNA 333 95 J.M. Fiey BSO I 446 Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 978 DHGB IVs 310 Batala J.-M. Sauget BS X 108-18 Fiey Saints 27-28 s.v. Asia