Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Sleepers of Ephesus" in last modified August 17, 2016, Sleepers of Ephesus Eight Children of Ephesus Children of Ephesus Enfants d’Éphèse LES HUITS ENFANTS D'ÈPEHESE Seven Sleepers of Ephesus 146 In hagiography: Sleepers of Ephesus were the protagonists of a legend set in the time of the emperor Decius. Seven or eight children of Ephesus were entombed in a cave with their dog Qitmir until they awoke 190 years later. The legend dates to the middle of the fifth century. 249-251 Martyrs Saints These saints are venerated on Oct. 22 (BHO). Sleepers of Ephesus is commemorated in The Children or Sleepers of Ephesus (text). Sleepers of Ephesus is commemorated in The Children of Ephesus (or Sleepers) (text). Sleepers of Ephesus is commemorated in The Children of Ephesus (Sleepers) (text). Sleepers of Ephesus is commemorated in The Children of Ephesus (text). Sleepers of Ephesus is commemorated in The Children of Ephesus (text). Sleepers of Ephesus is commemorated in The Children of Ephesus (Sleepers) (text). Sleepers of Ephesus is commemorated in The Children of Ephesus (text). Sleepers of Ephesus is commemorated in Children of Ephesus (variation) (text). Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 29 343 877 988 1088 1893 1987 2005 Saints Syriaques LES HUITS ENFANTS D'ÈPEHESE 146 E. Honigmann Stephen of Ephesus (448) and the Legend of the Seven Sleepers Patristic Studies F. Jourdan La tradition des Sept Dormants Vies des Saints VII 27 juillet 650-51 M. van Esbroeck La legende des Sept Dormants d'Ephese selon le Codex syriaque N.S. 4 de Saint-Petersbourg VI Symposium Syriacum OCA