Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "John bar ʿAbdun" in last modified August 17, 2016, John bar ʿAbdun JEAN BĀR 'ABDŪN 236 In hagiography: John Bar ʿAbdun was Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox church, and he had a life fraught with difficulty. He was accused of attracting Chalcedonians to the Syrian Orthodox, and he was brought to Constantinople to be condemned by the Chalcedonians. He was slapped in the church of Hagia Sophia by the Melkite Bishop John of Melitene. He died in exile in Thrace and was honored as a martyr by the Syrian Orthodox. 1004-1033 1033 male Martyr Saint Saints Syriaques JEAN BĀR 'ABDŪN 236 G. Dagron Minorités ethniques et religieuses dans l'Orient byzantin à la fin du Xe siècle et au debut du XIe: ' l'immigration syrienne' Travaux et mémoires 177-210 J.M. Fiey BSO I 1111-12