Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Pethion — ܦܬܝܘܢ " in last modified August 17, 2016, ܦܝܬܝܘܢ Pethiyōn ܦܬܝܘܢ Pethion Peṯyōn Péthion PÉṮIŌN Petyon 343 Catholicos of the Church of the East (731–740 or 741) and the subject of hagiographical texts. In hagiography: Pethion, a patriarch, was a man of virtue who formed a favorable relationship with a Muslim governor, Halid al Qasri, whose mother was a Christian. male Catholicos Catholicos Saint Pethion is commemorated in Pethion (text). Pethion is commemorated in Pethion (text). Pethion is commemorated in Pethion (text). Pethion is commemorated in Pethion (text). Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 1036 1069 1621 1703 Saints Syriaques PÉṮIŌN 343 Mārī ٦٦ Chronique de Seert 240 Ṣlīwa ٦١-٦٢ Encyclopedia Iranica IV 958-60 J .M. Fiey BSO II 799 List of Patriarchs of the Main Syriac Churches in the Middle East 482 Not the same as Pethion.