Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent and David A. Michelson (eds.), "Severus the Wonderworker" in last modified August 17, 2016, Severus the Wonderworker SÉVÈRE, ÉVÊQUE DE SAMOSATE ET THAUMATURGE 404 In hagiography: Severus, bishop of Samosata and known as a wonder-worker, was the brother of the Patriarch Athanasius the Camel-Driver. He accompanied his brother to meet Heraclius to return the cross of Jerusalem, and he endured persecution for his Miaphysite position. He lived much of the year as a solitary monk, and he was lame for much of his life after he broke his leg from falling off a horse. He was known for chasing away demons. 595 641 male Saint Saints Syriaques SÉVÈRE, ÉVÊQUE DE SAMOSATE ET THAUMATURGE 404 J.M. Fiey BSO II 1016-17