James E. Walters, David A. Michelson and Thomas A. Carlson, (eds.), "Addai of Beth Sbirino — ܐܕܝ ܣܒܝܪܝܢܝܐ " in last modified August 17, 2016, http://syriaca.org/person/274 Addai of Beth Sbirino The Priest Addai of Basibrina القس ادى السبيريني ܩܫܝܫܐ ܐܕܝ ܣܒܝܪܝܢܝܐ ܩܰܫܝܫܐ ܐܰܕܰܝ ܣܒܝܪܝܢܳܝܐ ܐܕܝ ܣܒܝܪܝܢܝܐ Addai of Beth Sbirino Addai of Beth Sbirina http://syriaca.org/person/274 http://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/SRP|person_274 Beth Sbirino 1502 Priest Author The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences 267 506 كتاب اللؤلؤ المنثور في تاريخ العلوم والأداب السريانية 453 ܒܪ̈ܘܠܐ ܒܕܝܪ̈ܐ ܕܥܠ ܡܪܕܘܬ ܝܘܠܦܢ̈ܐ ܣܘܪ̈ܝܝܐ ܗܕܝܪ̈ܐ 484 Macuch, Geschichte der spät- und neusyrischen Literatur 21