James E. Walters, David A. Michelson and Thomas A. Carlson, (eds.), "Tatian of Adiabene — ܛܛܝܢܘܣ " in last modified August 17, 2016, http://syriaca.org/person/771 Tatian of Adiabene Tatian Tatian of Adiabene ططيانس ܛܛܝܐܢܘܣ ܛܰܛܝܰܐܢܘܣ ܛܛܝܢܘܣ ܛܸܛܝܵܢܘܿܣ ܛܰܛܝܰܢܳܘܣ Tatianos Tatianos http://syriaca.org/person/771 http://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/SRP|person_771 http://viaf.org/viaf/78777213 http://www.csc.org.il/db/browse.aspx?db=SB&sL=T&sK=Tatian&sT=keywords Apologist, teacher, composer of the Diatessaron. ca. 120 ca. 185 Author W. L. Petersen Tatian The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage 396-397 The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences 41 كتاب اللؤلؤ المنثور في تاريخ العلوم والأداب السريانية 521 ܒܪ̈ܘܠܐ ܒܕܝܪ̈ܐ ܕܥܠ ܡܪܕܘܬ ܝܘܠܦܢ̈ܐ ܣܘܪ̈ܝܝܐ ܗܕܝܪ̈ܐ 56 ܟܬ̣ܵܒ̣ܵܐ ܕܡܸܬ̣ܩܪܸܐ ܡܪܓܢܝܬ̣ܐ ܕܥܲܠ ܫܪܵܪܵܐ ܕܲܟ̣ܪܸܣܛܝܵܢܘܼܬ̣ܵܐ 63 Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana III 12 A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity Tatian Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur mit Ausschluß der christlich-palästinensischen Texte 19-21