Daniel L. Schwartz and Silvio Roggo (eds.), "Tralles — ܛܪܠܝܘ " in last modified February 16, 2024, http://syriaca.org/place/2857 Tralles ܛܪܠܝܘ ܛܪܠܣ ܛܪܘܠܝܣ ܡܕܝܢܬܐ A city in Caria An important city in Late Antiquity in the region of Caria in western Asia minor. 37.8598379245 27.8346031262 http://syriaca.org/place/2857 http://syriaca.org/johnofephesus/places/2857 https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/599987 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayd%C4%B1n 538 [336] 157 [503] 1517 169; 171; 172 3.3.36; 3.3.37 171 3.3.37 https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/599987 Caria