Sarkis, translator - ܣܪܟܝܣ


  • ܣܪܟܝܣ1
  • Sarkis, translator
  • Sarkis1
  • Serge1
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Works Cited

Any information without attribution has been created following the editorial guidelines.

  • 1 E-ktobe: manuscrits syriaquesCatalogue de manuscrits

How to Cite This Entry

André Binggeli et al., “Sarkis, translator — ܣܪܟܝܣ ” last modified June 29, 2017,


André Binggeli et al., “Sarkis, translator — ܣܪܟܝܣ .”, edited by ., edited by Nathan P. Gibson et al.. The Syriac Reference Portal, 2017. Entry published June 29, 2017.

About this Entry

Entry Title: Sarkis, translator — ܣܪܟܝܣ

Additional Credit:

  • These names were received as a dataset from E-Ktobe: manuscrits syriaques ( Née sur l’initiative d'André Binggeli (IRHT-CNRS), Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet (Orient et Méditerranée-CNRS), Muriel Debié (EPHE) et Alain Desreumaux (Orient et Méditerranée-CNRS) dans le cadre du programme SYRAB de l'ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche), la base e-ktobe est actuellement placée sous la responsabilité scientifique d’André Binggeli et Emilie Villey (Orient et Méditerranée-CNRS). Liste des collaborateurs contribuant ou ayant contribué à l’alimentation de la base: Youssef Dergham (Bibliothèque du patriarcat syro-catholique de Charfet), Margherita Farina (CNRS, Paris), Simone I. M. Pratelli (U. de Constance), Flavia Ruani (U. de Gand) et Eleonora Serra (U. de Pise).
  • Conversion to TEI-XML by Nathan P. Gibson
  • Data architecture by David A. Michelson

Copyright and License for Reuse

Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2017.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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