Reshʿayna - ܪܝܫ ܥܝܢܐ
City on the Khabur, located in the eastern part of ancient Osrhoene and today straddling the Turkish-Syrian border, the Syrian part now bearing the name Raʾs al-ʿAyn and the Turkish part Ceylanpınar (earlier Resülayn).1


  • ܪܝܫ ܥܝܢܐ
  • Reshʿayna2
  • ܪܝܫܥܝܢܐ7
  • ܪܝܺܫ ܥܰܝܢܳܐ3
  • رأس العين6
  • رأس عين4, 6
  • Ceylanpınar2
  • Raʾs al-Ayn
  • Raʾs al-Ayn
  • Raʾs al-Ayn
  • Raʾs al-Ayn
  • Raʾs al-ʿAyn2
  • Raʾs al-‘Ayn
  • Raʾs al-‘Ayn
  • Raʾs al-‘Ayn
  • Raʾs al-’Ayn
  • Reshayna
  • Resh Ayna
  • Resh ‘Ayna
  • Resh'aina
  • Resh‘ayna
  • Resülayn2
  • Rish Ayna
  • Rish ʿAyna5
  • Rish ‘Ayna
  • Theodosiopolis2

Place Type



  • Coordinates :
    • Lat. 36.82584° Long. 40.04962°2


ܡܕܝܢܬܳܐ ܗܝ ܥܰܠ ܢܗܰܪ ܚܳܒܘܪ ܒܓܳܙܰܪܬܐ ܒܕܳܪܐ ܕܰܬܠܳܬܰܥܣܪ ܥܰܡܝܪܐ ܗܘܳܬ ܟܶܢ ܚܶܪܒܰܬ ܘܒܰܫܢܰܬ 1869 ܥܡܰܪܘ ܒܗ ܚܰܕ ܛܘܗܡܳܐ ܕܰܓܙܝܪ. ܟܶܢ ܐܶܬܘ ܠܗ̇ ܣܘܪ̈ܝܳܝܐ ܘܐܰܪ̈ܡܢܳܝܐ ܘܰܥܡܰܪܘ ܒܗ̇ ܘܐܝܬ ܠܗܘܢ ܒܗ̇ ܬܰܪܬܶܝܢ ܥܕ̈ܬܳܐ.3
بلدة على منابع نهر الخابور في الجزيرة كانت عامرة في المئة الثالثة عشرة ثم جربت وسنة 1869 توطنتها عشيره من الجركس، ثم سكنها خلق من السريان والارمن ولهم فيها بيعتان. 4
455. Reshʿayna1
a town located at the source of the river Khabur in the Jazira. It was settled in the thirteenth century, but was laid waste in 1869. It was later resettled by a Circassian tribe and then by Syrians and Armenians, who built churches in it.5
City on the Khabur, located in the eastern part of ancient Osrhoene and today straddling the Turkish-Syrian border, the Syrian part now bearing the name Raʾs al-ʿAyn and the Turkish part Ceylanpınar (earlier Resülayn).1


Attestation of names رأس عين and رأس العين in the Muʿjam al-buldān of Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī. رأس عين4, 6 رأس العين6 6
Status: published  Is this record complete?

Works Cited

Any information without attribution has been created following the editorial guidelines.

  • 1 H. Takahashi and L. Van Rompay, "Reshʿayna." in Sebastian P. Brock et al. (eds.), The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway,NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011), p: 351.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.
  • 2 Sebastian P. Brock et al. (eds.), The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway,NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011), p: 26, 46, 110, 111, 190, 220, 276, 279, 302, 313, 344, 351, 357, 366, 367, 370, 419, map: Map I B1, II B1, III.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.
  • 3 Ignatius Afram Barsoum, Berule bdire d-ʿal yulpone suryoye hdire, trans. Philoxenos Yuḥanon Dolabani, 2nd ed. (Holland: Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 1991), p: 555.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.
  • 4 Ignatius Afram Barsoum, al-Luʼluʼ al-manthūr fī tārīkh al-ʻulūm wa-al-ādāb al-Suryāniyyah, 4th ed. (Holland: Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 1987), p: 516.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.
  • 5 Ignatius Afram Barsoum, The Scattered Pearls: A History of Syriac Literature and Sciences, trans. Matti Moosa, 2nd rev. ed. (Piscataway,NJ: Gorgias Press, 2003), p: 557.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.
  • 6 Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī, Muʿjam al-buldān (Beirut: Dār al-kutub al-ʿilmiyya, 1990), p: III:15.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.
  • 7 Ernest Walter Brooks, Iohannis Ephesini historiae ecclesiasticae pars tertia, CSCO Syr. III.3 (Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1935-1936), p: 308; 313; 328, chapter: 3.6.13; 3.6.17; 3.6.26.Link to web application Bibliographic Record.Link to Zotero Bibliographic RecordLink to Zotero Bibliographic Record

How to Cite This Entry

Thomas A. Carlson et al., “Reshʿayna — ܪܝܫ ܥܝܢܐ ” last modified February 16, 2024,


Thomas A. Carlson et al., “Reshʿayna — ܪܝܫ ܥܝܢܐ .”, edited by ., edited by David A. Michelson et al.. The Syriac Reference Portal, 2024. Entry published February 16, 2024.

About this Entry

Entry Title: Reshʿayna — ܪܝܫ ܥܝܢܐ

Additional Credit:

  • Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by Daniel L. Schwartz
  • Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by William L. Potter
  • Record validation, normalization, and revisions for the second edition (2.0) by David A. Michelson
  • Arabic description entry by Dayroyo Roger-Youssef Akhrass
  • Syriac description entry by Robert Aydin
  • Data merging, Pleiades and Wikipedia linking, and XML by Thomas A. Carlson
  • Initial Barsoum entry creation by David A. Michelson
  • Data from John of Ephesus added by Silvio Roggo

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Internal Relationships

Reshʿayna   // to be confused with (1)